Is there a role for geothermal energy to play? It tends to be both green and stable (relative to the weather).

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Absolutely! But currently, geothermal is only around 0.2% of electricity production in the EU. It would help if Iceland finally decided to become a EU member, because theirs is 100% and they use a lot for aluminum production, which is very energy intensive. But Iceland is basically a lava lump sitting on top of a string of volcanoes. South of Italy has favorable conditions, and a few other places. In other places, they have to go as deep as 2 km to tap usable heat, and then not for electricity generation, but suitable for district heating or large buildings. It is estimated that in Denmark, 50% of building heating could be covered by geothermal compared to less than 1% today. There are three operational full-scale facilities in Denmark and some big investors looking for suitable locations. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/EPRS_BRI(2023)754566

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Thanks for your detailed answer about this untapped natural resource.

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If Electric Vehicles are coordinated to charge batteries intelligently, it can help:


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Yes. Nice article, btw

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Well, it is not exactly an article, but more the exploration before an article. I hope somebody is writing the article.

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